What do you get when you combine choreography, upbeat music and an adjustable platform?  The answer: a great workout that’s lots of fun! While Step classes do require a bit of coordination, they are relatively simple. You choose the height of your step or platform — and that, along with the pace, dictates the intensity of your workout. 

Also known as step aerobics, these classes really give your heart and lungs a great workout while toning your lower body. Runners, cyclists and power walkers will find Step classes to be a wonderful cross-training activity. 

Classes include: Athletic Step & BodyStep

Register For Classes

Athletic Step - Registration Required

Incorporates fresh athletic moves with motivating music. With or without the step platform. All levels. CD

Date Time Site Location Spaces
10/08/2024 05:15 PM - 06:00 PM Columbia Athletic Club Studio 1 5/37 Register Now
10/13/2024 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM Columbia Athletic Club Studio 1 0/37 Register Now
10/15/2024 05:15 PM - 06:00 PM Columbia Athletic Club Studio 1 0/37 Register Now

BodyStep-Registration Required

A mixture of upbeat, rhythmic stepping, with squat and lunge patterns to work the legs combined with movements like burpees, push ups and weighted exercise for a fun, uplifting, full-body workout! CD ST

Date Time Site Location Spaces
10/09/2024 09:15 AM - 10:00 AM Columbia Gym CG Studio 1 4/31 Register Now
10/10/2024 05:30 AM - 06:00 AM Columbia Gym CG Studio 1 0/31 Register Now
10/11/2024 09:10 AM - 09:55 AM Columbia Gym CG Studio 1 0/31 Register Now
10/13/2024 08:00 AM - 08:45 AM Columbia Gym CG Studio 1 0/31 Register Now
10/14/2024 05:45 AM - 06:30 AM Columbia Gym CG Studio 1 0/31 Register Now
10/14/2024 09:15 AM - 10:00 AM Columbia Gym CG Studio 1 0/31 Register Now