CA Tennis Serves Up a Sense of Community
Here at CA, we’re continuously inspired by you: our members and our team members. Across our various programs and spaces, one through-line is the incredible sense of community you’ll find within every “pocket” of CA.
That sense of community extends to our tennis program, despite its reputation as being a more solitary sport. CA tennis coaches Pedro Gabriel and Veronica Cuellar Martinez, whose love for the game both deepened growing up in CA’s tennis clubs, share what keeps them coming back!

Longtime friends and CA coaches Pedro Gabriel and Veronica Cuellar Martinez at Long Reach Tennis Club.

This summer, CA’s tennis coaches launched a new program for underserved youth in our community in collaboration with the Youth & Teen Center.
Veronica Cuellar Martinez
Veronica’s CA tennis journey began at 16, when her family moved to Columbia. A love for the sport led her to volunteer with CA’s youth programs, and she went on to become the captain of her high school team and play tennis at Salisbury University. We’re thrilled that Veronica returned to CA to pursue her passion for coaching the next generation.
Pedro Gabriel
Pedro caught the “tennis bug” at four years old, and started playing at CA’s tennis clubs in 8th grade when his family moved to Columbia. He went on to make lifelong best friends in the CA tennis community, and excel in high school tennis. Pedro is currently headed into his sophomore year of college, where he plays tennis, and we couldn’t be happier that he returns to CA on his summers home to share his love of the sport with kids.
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