Members of our community have seen the ENERGY STAR® logo more frequently and have gotten more information about energy-efficiency programs in recent years. Columbia Association (CA) is an active ENERGY STAR partner, and has made a strong commitment to energy management within our operations — and also to conducting robust outreach to residents, businesses, individuals who regularly use our facilities, and the greater Columbia community.
CA is committed to encouraging the use of ENERGY STAR products and greater participation in all ENERGY STAR and associated Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) sponsored programs as a way to cost-effectively improve the energy efficiency of our community, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save money.
The effective use of energy by an organization or individual is one of the most important things we can do to make our community more sustainable. We can reduce utility bills, improve the comfort of our homes and buildings, lower maintenance costs, and do our part to help reduce the threat of climate change by making wise choices with respect to energy consumption and energy supply.