Get Involved in the FY2023 Budget Process
Approving our annual budget plan is one of the key tasks CA’s Board of Directors undertakes every year, and it’s a responsibility everyone takes seriously. The Board is responsible for reviewing, refining and ultimately approving the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. While every organization is different, CA’s FY2023 begins May 1, 2022, and ends April 30, 2023.
As you probably know from planning your own personal finances, monitoring revenue and prioritizing spending can be complex. CA wants to make sure you have ample opportunities to understand the budget and let the Board know what you think is important. Your input helps our organization continue serving this community in the most meaningful ways possible.
New year, new process
Click here to download a PDF version of the budget timeline.
There are some new aspects to this process, You’re welcome to participate at any point throughout this process, including the Board meetings mentioned below. There are also new ways to get involved on a deeper level that are highlighted in the timeline above. All of the meetings will be hosted virtually and recorded for easy access.
This started over the summer when the Board asked CA stafff to define scenarios for the upcoming fiscal year. These will allow the Board to better determine the trade offs of budget priorities.
CA staff will present those scenarios to the Board during its regularly scheduled meeting on October 28. Anyone is welcome to watch that meeting live on our YouTube page.
Next comes a chance for CA and the Board to listen to your questions and comments about those scenarios. You’re always welcome to participate in Resident Speakout during any Board meeting, but with the FY2023 budget, you will also have a chance to offer your input online (coming soon!).
The Board will then discuss the options and the public’s input up to that point before members finalize their preferred scenario and any modifications they’d like to see. That vote takes place during the Board’s meeting on December 9.
During the next phase of this process, the Board will be focused on refining the draft from CA staff. We’ll have more to cover on that as we move toward that stage, which starts in January 2022.
Early input is important
The closer we get to the budget’s approval, the more concrete details become and the more difficult it can be to have an impact. We encourage anyone looking to effect change in the budget to get involved in the earlier part of the process and let the Board know what your priorities are for CA.
Check back for the latest information on ways to get involved in this process!