Reflecting on Our Favorite Moments of 2023
As we wrap up this year, we’re reflecting on all the incredible memories we made as a community in 2023. Check out our favorite moments of the year, F◾R◾I◾E◾N◾D◾S style.💙💚⛲📺
The one where we did it for the K◾I◾D◾S. 🌟
2023 saw the the first-ever CA Points celebration, held at the Columbia SportsPark. CA Points is a program that allows students to earn their family a CA membership through their performance and attendance at school. More than 1,000 people came out to celebrate the students’ efforts, and we’re excited to continue this fun event as an annual tradition!
The one where we D◾A◾N◾C◾E◾D the night away. 🎶
This year’s Lakefront Live brought us more than 60 nights of free entertainment at the Downtown Columbia Lakefront — and it’s safe to say we danced at every single one 💃. We enjoyed time-honored traditions like Dancin’ Under the People Tree as well as special events like Latin Dance Night.
The one where the L◾E◾A◾G◾U◾E swam into our hearts. 🏊🏽♀️
The Columbia Neighborhood Swim League (CNSL) is so much more than a swim league — it’s a beloved part of Columbia summers. Summer 2023 was full of pep rallies, team bonding, dance parties and, of course, the culminating event of the season: The All-City Meet. CA is proud to host “the Super Bowl of CNSL” each July, which brings together over 2,000 swimmers from all across Columbia. Learn more about this special swim league here.
The one when L◾I◾Z did something amazing at the Art Center. 🎨💙💚
Who are we kidding? Columbia Art Center Director Liz Henzey is amazing all the time! Fox 45 and WJZ even featured her in news segments about this year’s Lakefest with the Columbia Festival of the Arts, where more than 80 artists decorated umbrellas displayed at the Lakefront. From hosting monthly galleries, running programming for all ages and leading all kinds of unique community events, Liz is a true superstar at curating community.
The one where everything was R◾A◾I◾N◾B◾O◾W. 🧡💛💚💙💜
HoCo Pride 2023 = Lots of rainbows and community celebration! CA is thrilled to partner with Howard County PRIDE for this annual event in our Symphony Woods. Nothing beats seeing our CA spaces activated with pride.
The one where the E◾L◾E◾C◾T◾R◾I◾C vehicles had VIP seats to a party at the Lakefront.👀
CA is proud to champion energy efficiency every day of the year, but we went all out during Energy Awareness Month. Two of CA’s electric vehicles, Penelope and River, even made an appearance at the Lakefront to help us kick off the celebrations. These EVs are part of our growing fleet.
The one where it was so fun it was S◾P◾O◾O◾K◾Y.🎃
Trunk or Treat started in 2020 as a fun, safe way to bring the community together during the pandemic. Now in its third year, this annual event (held at Columbia SportsPark) remains true to that purpose. Learn more about how the SportsPark makes community happen here.
The one when the Scorps got in the W◾E◾E◾D◾S. 🌱🧡🦂
In 2023, CA was proud to facilitate over 100 community events to help improve our open space. From dedicated programs like Weed Warriors and Stream Waders to local groups (like the students featured above), volunteers that help us to care for life in our community are an important part of our ecosystem. Learn more about volunteer opportunities at CA here.
The one where we went to the W◾H◾I◾T◾E H◾O◾U◾S◾E because we hit our energy savings goals. 🏆🏢
In fall 2023, CA had the honor of being invited to the White House by the U.S. Department of Energy! As a partner in the Better Buildings Challenge, CA was recognized for achieving 30% energy savings. It was so exciting to achieve this milestone months ahead of our goal, putting us in the ranks of Fortune 500 companies like Nike, General Motors and MGM Resorts.
The one where our community showed the power of P◾A◾T◾C◾H◾W◾O◾R◾K. 🤝🏽🧵
In 2023, CA embarked on a first-of-its-kind community art project. Inspired by the fact that CA is part of a larger fabric of the community, a number of groups and institutions were invited to design a swatch. The final quilt included 70 partners, all with a commitment to service. Learn more about the story of this community quilt here.
Thanks for a wonderful year
We hope you enjoyed looking back at some of our favorite moments of 2023. The common thread is this community’s constant willingness to show up, connect and engage with CA. We are so grateful for you all, and can’t wait to keep making memories together in 2024!