Spring Family Fun Art Projects
With spring bursting forth in inspiring colors, it’s time to get the creative juices flowing with these easy but engaging spring-themed craft projects.
A big thanks to Columbia Art Center Director Liz Henzey for sharing these creative ideas for family fun!
Yarn Egg Paper Plate Design
Supplies Required:
9” paper plates
Assorted colors of yarn
Exacto knife (to be used by adult)
Construction paper or cardstock (assorted colors) and sharpie or pencil
- Create an egg template by drawing an egg (approximate size: 3”h x 2.5”w) on a sheet of construction paper or cardstock. Cut out the egg shape to be used on the 9” paper plate.
- Plate the egg template on the paper plate and trace it using your sharpie or pencil.
- Using an Exacto Knife (for adult use), cut out the egg shape from the inside of the plate.
- Holepunch an even number of holes around the outside of your cutout egg.
- Cut off a long piece of yarn. Tape one end of your yarn to the backside of the paper plate.
- Lace up the yarn through the holes creating a criss-cross pattern over your egg cutout.
- You can use one color of yarn or several.
- When finished secure the end of the yarn with tape.
- Display your creation or give as a gift!
Springtime Egg Rocks
Supplies Required:
Small to medium size rocks (egg-shaped rocks are ideal, but any shape will be fine)
Acrylic paint (assorted pastel colors)
Paintbrushes (one medium for painting entire rock and a small one for painting details)
Paint palette for holding paints (egg carton or tiny paper plate will work)
Mod Podge (optional)
- Wash and dry rocks.
- Prepare your paints for using by putting a few drops of each on your palette.
- Choose one color to paint your entire rock and with your medium size brush, paint your rock one solid color. Let dry.
- Using your small brush and Q-tips, create a design on your rock using the other pastel colors (ex: dots, zigzags, stars, initials, a positive word, someone’s name).
- Let your creation dry.
- Optional: With a clean medium brush, add Mod Podge to the outside of your rock. This sealant will weather proof your creation if it is placed outside.
- Display your rocks inside or outside, or give as a gift. They can be fun for an Easter Egg Hunt!
Butterfly Paper Towel Roll Project
Supplies Required:
Empty paper towel roll or empty toilet paper roll
Pipe cleaners (assorted colors)
Googly eyes
Black sharpie
Construction paper or cardstock (assorted colors)
Glue and tape
- Cut your empty paper towel roll into 2 halves, or use an empty toilet paper roll for the project.
- Cut a piece of the colored construction paper or cardstock to fit around the empty roll.
- Wrap the piece of colored paper around the roll and secure it with tape or glue. Option: paint the empty paper roll one color (several coats) and let dry.
- Cut two small hearts for the wings out of the construction paper or cardstock. (You choose the colors.)
- Glue two colored buttons to the top portion of each heart. Let glue dry.
- Attach the hearts (which are the butterfly’s wings) to the back of the roll.
- Glue the two hearts together at the bottom of each heart.
- Glue googly eyes to the front of the toilet paper roll. If you don’t have googly eyes, you can use your black marker to draw a mouth and eyes or cut them out of construction paper and glue to the roll.
- Cut a pipe cleaner in half and fold in half. Curl the tops of the pipe cleaner pieces and glue or tape to the inside of the toilet paper roll for the butterfly’s antennae.
- Display your butterflies or give as springtime gifts!
For More Crafting Fun…
The Columbia Art Center is home to creative classes, programs and workshops for all ages! Check out their website to learn more.