Invasive species are a major threat to the biodiversity we love and cherish in Columbia. These plants displace native plants, trees and wildlife, so reducing the impact of invasive species is a critical part of CA’s commitment to the environment.

Our invasive plant management strategy is focused on long-term control. Every day, our team of conservation experts works to restore areas in our community that are heavily infested with invasives. These project sites may be slightly disruptive in the short-term, but they’re essential to improving the habitat for native organisms and preserving Columbia’s environment for future generations.


Examples of most notable/common/threatening invasives in Columbia

Lesser celandine isn’t true to its name: It wants more! This invasive species eventually steals all of the water, sunlight and nutrients from our native plants.

Japanese barberry is known to increase populations of the black-legged tick, one of the carriers of Lyme disease.

Garlic mustard is allelopathic, meaning it releases chemicals that inhibit the growth of the native plants around it.

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