- All anglers over the age of 16 must have a valid Maryland Fishing License. All state laws shall apply.
- Bank fishing from the north shore with live bait shall continue as currently posted.
- Fishing from boats will be permitted under the following conditions:
- 3.1. Boats will be registered with the Columbia Association and display the boat permit issued by the Columbia Association.
- 3.2. Tackle will consist of artificial lures only. No live bait may be in the angler’s possession.
- 3.3. Fishing is “catch and release” only. No live bait may be in the angler’s possession.
- 3.4. Fishing from boats will be permitted anywhere on Wilde Lake, except as described below:
- 3.4.1 No fishing along the south shore from the east edge of the Cove Condominium property (bench and sign) to the second storm-drain outfall between the Cove and Tidesfall.
- 3.4.2. Fishing from boats along the south shore permitted from said storm-drain outfall to the west end of the pathway bulkhead.
- 3.4.3 No fishing from boats or shore along the southwest shore from the end of the bulkhead to the current sign on the north shore west of the small bridge over the storm-drain outfall swale, i.e., no fishing in front of residences on Waterfowl Terrace, Catterskill Court and Rivulet Row.
- The Columbia Association will prominently display boating and fishing regulations at the Wilde Lake Park dock area. The display will include information pertaining to the location of the boat registration facility, warning that occupiers of unregistered boats are subject to citation for trespassing on private property. A map of the lake with restricted areas clearly marked is displayed: Blue Area: boat-and-bank fishing permitted – blue line; Orange Area: no bank-or-boat fishing; Green Area: boat-fishing only*
- The Columbia Association will provide a printed copy of these regulations.
*Please see map for additional information.