[5/9/24] Thank you to everyone who voted in the Owen Brown village election!
[Updated 4/25/24] The nomination period is now closed. See the Vote section for a list of candidates.
- Village board: 2
- CA board: 1
Save the date:
- Wednesday, March 1 to Thursday, March 21: Declaration of Candidacy Forms are available at the Owen Brown Community Center or by emailing manager@owenbrownvillage.org.
- Thursday, March 21: Declaration of Candidacy Forms are due by noon.
- Tuesday, April 9: Meet the Candidates night at the Owen Brown Community Center.
- Saturday, April 20: Election Day!
[Updated 4/25/24] The results of the Owen Brown village election were determined at the second annual meeting on May 7 at 7pm. Candidates with asteriks next to their names are deemed elected.
- Village board (2 openings)
- N/a
- CA Board of Directors
- Michael Golibersuch*
- William H. Campbell
Who can vote:
- One vote per property, including residential homeowners, commercial property owners and tenants.
- Tenants must be listed on their current lease and have a copy on file at the Owen Brown Community Center.
How to vote:
- Eligible voters in Owen Brown can vote online, in-person or via mail-in absentee ballot.
Save the date:
- Monday, April 1: Online voting period begins.
- Friday, April 19: Mail-in and online ballots due by 5pm.
- Saturday, April 20: Election Day! In-person voting is open at the Owen Brown Community Center from 9am-12pm.
Have a question about how to run or vote?
Contact Owen Brown Village Manager Craig Barton at manager@owenbrownvillage.org.
For more information, visit the Owen Brown Community Association website at OwenBrownVillage.org.