All firms interested in doing business with CA are encouraged to complete the bidders’ list registration form.

By submitting a bid, the Consultant agrees to adhere to Columbia Association’s policy on ethics in purchasing. This policy prohibits an employee and any immediate family member from receiving incentives, gifts, gratuities or favors of any kind from Consultants seeking business or engaged in business transactions with Columbia Association. Neither the employee nor any of the employee’s immediate family had or will have involvement in or influence in any way the selection of a Consultant to do business with Columbia Association whereby the employee or the employee’s immediate family will receive personal benefit.

Minority Business Enterprises, Women-Owned Business Enterprises, and Disabled Owned Business Enterprises will be afforded equal opportunity to submit Bids or Proposals in response to this Procurement and will not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for the award.

Columbia Association is committed to the procurement of goods and services that have less detrimental environmental and social impacts than competing goods and services. IFBs and RFPs shall endeavor, to the extent possible, to specify sustainable goods and services, and at the same time consider the value received and benefit to the environment in return for the expenditure. Goods and services should, for example, be more energy efficient, conserve water, reduce the use of fuel, generate less pollution and toxins, use recycled materials, and/or minimize waste.

RFP # Title Starting Closing Status
25-38 IFB 25-38: Supply of Kubota Parts 02/10/2025 03/03/2025 2:00 PM OPEN
25-32 Bryant Woods Pool Renovations 02/04/2025 02/25/2025 2:00 PM OPEN
25-37 Draining, Cleaning & Power Washing of Outdoor Pools 02/07/2025 02/24/2025 2:00 PM OPEN