Did you have an excellent experience, or do you have suggestions for improvement? Your feedback is critical to our success.

We strive to provide you with the best fitness experience across all our clubs (Athletic Club, Columbia Gym, and Supreme Sports Club).

Please take a moment to fill out our survey and let us know about your experience. Your input helps us serve you better.

Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback.

How To Report a Broken Fitness Machine

We strive to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all members. However, we understand that sometimes fitness machines may require maintenance. Your assistance in reporting broken machines helps us ensure a smooth and effective workout experience for everyone. Here’s how you can report a broken fitness machine:

  1. Find the machine number: Locate the CA logo sticker or plaque on the fitness machine. Each machine has a unique number displayed on it. This number helps us identify the specific fitness machine that requires attention.
  2. Scan the QR code: Adjacent to the machine number, you’ll find a QR code. Utilize your smartphone’s camera to scan it.
  3. Fill out the form: Upon scanning the QR code, you’ll be directed to an equipment reporting form. Provide details about the issue you noticed with the fitness machine, including the machine number and a description of the problem.
  4. Submit the form: After completing the form, submit it. Your report will be sent to our Operations Manager, who will promptly address the issue.

By following these steps, you can help us maintain our fitness machines in top condition for everyone to use.